Capitol Airspace welcomes Steve Sample to our team!

Air Force F35 low level Death Valley

Steven Sample has joined Capitol Airspace Group, bringing with him extensive experience from his previous role as Executive Director of the Military Aviation and Installation Assurance Siting Clearinghouse, where he reviewed thousands of energy proposals and coordinated policy development. His past roles include leadership positions in the Ranges and Airspace Division of Air Force Headquarters […]

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FAA Updates Marking and Lighting Advisory Circular

The FAA has updated its guidelines for the proper way to light and mark obstructions affecting navigable airspace. Advisory Circular 70/7460-1M for Obstruction Lighting and Marking is effective immediately. It cancels Advisory Circular 70/7460-1L.

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FAA Issues Policy on Solar Projects on Airports | Federal Aviation Administration

Solar Glint and Glare Studies file photovoltaic (PV) array with FAA

FAA Issues Joint Order 7400.2R The FAA recently published FAA Joint Order 7400.2R, which outlines updated procedures for handling airspace matters.  The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) published a final policy aimed at ensuring that airport solar projects don’t create hazardous glare. The policy requires airports to measure the visual impact of such projects on pilots and air traffic control […]

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The FAA is Considering Raising its Hated Downtown Miami Height Restrictions

Reaction on pressure from developers wanting to build taller in Downtown Miami and Brickell, the Federal Aviation Administration is looking into raising the max heights of buildings in and around Miami’s urban core—a height limit it imposes to keep the flight paths in and out of Miami International Airport free of obstacles—by 39 feet at […]

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